
directions and phone number271 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge, NY 10576ย  ย  ย ย  914-764-5085

New York’s Enslaving Past: A Hudson Valley Reckoning

on Zoom

Presented by the NYS Library, this is an online event. Register here. Event URL will be sent via registration email. Space is limited. When author Debra Bruno was growing up in the Hudson Valley village of Athens, she had no idea that New York had once been a slave society. And when she discovered that […]


Westchester Breathes – a free wellness program on Zoom

on Zoom

Westchester Breathes - Free Weekly Classes on Zoom! Mondays at 8:30 am September 9 through October 28 - Registration required - come when you can! Register here Participate in a program of gentle movement, breathing and relaxation exercises shown to reduce the experience of stress and have a positive impact on health and well-being. […]

“Successfully Navigating College Admissions” with Stand Out for College

on Zoom

Ron Feuchs and Jackie Tepper of Stand Out for College return for another season of assisting families prepare for the college admissions process. Ron and Jackie are offering this Zoom presentation to help families of juniors, sophomores and freshmen understand the college admissions process and how to successfully navigate the recent changes. They will discuss […]


Westchester Breathes – a free wellness program on Zoom

on Zoom

Westchester Breathes - Free Weekly Classes on Zoom! Mondays at 8:30 am September 9 through October 28 - Registration required - come when you can! Register here Participate in a program of gentle movement, breathing and relaxation exercises shown to reduce the experience of stress and have a positive impact on health and well-being. […]

Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples and Partners from Senior Collaborative Law Day

on Zoom

Register at This webinar is designed specifically for unmarried couples to navigate the complexities of estate planning. This session will cover essential documents and strategies to ensure your wishes are honored and your partner is protected. Topics include creating wills, setting up trusts, designating power of attorney, and healthcare directives. Learn how you or […]

Senior Scams Update: Safeguard Yourself

on Zoom

Register at This webinar will focus on common scams and frauds that target older adults - the warning signs, best practices to avoid becoming a victim, and where to seek help if you are victimized. The speaker will discuss new scams and techniques that have emerged recently. Speaker: Andy Ajula, Assistant AG-in-Charge New York […]

Discovering the Frank Brothers – Freeborn Men of Color, Soldiers of Independence

on Zoom

Shirley Green will speak about her recent book, Revolutionary Blacks: Discovering the Frank Brothers, Freeborn Men of Color, Soldiers of Independence (Westholme Publishing; 2023). The narrative follows the lives of William and Benjamin Frank, two brothers who enlisted in Second Rhode Island Regiment during the American Revolutionary War in the spring of 1777. Their military […]

Neurodivergent in College: Navigating the Transition from High School

on Zoom

Register for a 4-part interactive webinar series, "Neurodivergent in College: Navigating the Transition from High School." The series is geared for Neurodivergent high schoolers, high schoolers with disabilities, and their families/supporters. Session topics include: Thinking About College? Overview of the High School to College Transition Advocacy, Accommodations, and Supports in College Academic Success Health and […]

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